Sunday, April 25, 2010

MIRV-mods to BDU jacket

I have many skills:-)

This is your standard move-pockets-around on a BDU jacket and add some hook and loop.

Before mods:

Pockets removed:

Hook and loop attached:

Pockets reattached: chest pockets moved to shoulders, lower pockets moved up to chest, pen pocket moved to sleeve.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Slight change in plan...

After looking at the Folkwear Countryside Frock Coat pattern:

I decided to "Frankenstein" it with the Belgian Military Chef Jacket to get the pattern for the Imperial Officer uniform. Specifically, I'm using the back, sleeve, and peplum pieces from the Frock Coat, and the collar and front pieces from the Chef Jacket, with a bunch of adjustments. A soon as I figure out how to use the drawing program, I'll post some illustrations...ok so this is really terrible. I think I need one of those pads with a stylus or something:
The red lined pieces are from the Belgian chef jacket, and green line is the frock coat. Blue line is my modification. Using sleeve and back pieces from the frock coat as is.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

My sewing to do wish list

What to work on next? Well, I have most of the stuff to work on the Imperial Officer uniform for my 501st project. I'm a "cadet" in Garrison Carida. I just started drafting the pattern for the top, based on Folkwear's Belgian chef's jacket pattern.

I know I'll need to make a lot of adjustments, but I have to start somewhere.

I also picked up this 1879 Natural Form dress package (by Truly Victorian) from

I have been wanting to complete an outfit from that period for a long time, but so far I only have done bits and pieces. Need to really follow through this time, like I did for the 1780s thing...

But I also want to make Stef some new garb for Pennsic, and he expressed interest in being a "pirate" and wearing what he lovingly calls "Haji man-jammies" - in other words, he wants to try some Middle-Eastern garb.

US milspec 1812 roundabout jacket...

Very bad camera-phone photo, but it's done! Lots of hand sewing went into this one. And that's my pillow under there, lol. I hope it fits!!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Next Performance with Patricia Wake

Faith and the Muse
The Burning Path
Patricia Wake

$15 advance
$18 door
@Fate Lounge(1650 Smallman St.)

Friday, April 09, 2010

Status report: 1812 Roundabout Jacket

Almost done. Just one more sleeve to assemble and attach, and all the buttons to sew on. Did a lot of hand sewing on this one.
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